Bluebonnet (Perkins to Picardy) Project Page

Project Description: The project includes the widening of Bluebonnet Boulevard to 6 lanes from Perkins Road to Picardy Avenue. Additional pedestrian facilities will be provided to increase connectivity and safety, including side paths, crosswalks, and pedestrian signals. The sidewalks will tie-in to the Constantin project sidewalks as well as the Bluebonnet Sidewalks enhancement project sidewalks to continue under the interstate.

Council District: 11

Project Type: New Capacity

Current Phase: Right of Way

Design Consultant: GEC, Inc.

Project Manager: Kate Prejean

Proposition Budget: $19,000,000

Estimated Letting Date: Q4 2025

Project Updates

Date Status
03/2025 Acquistion of right of way is underway. Utility relocations are scheduled to begin after all right of way is acquired. The design team is preparing the 98% final construction plans.
08/2024 Acquistion of right of way is underway. Utility relocations are scheduled to begin after all right of way is acquired.
01/2024 Acquistion of rights of way is underway. Construction is scheduled to follow the completion of the MOVEBR Mall of Louisiana project.
09/2023 Acquistion of rights of way will begin in October 2023. Construction is scheduled to follow the completion of the MOVEBR Mall of Louisiana project.
08/2023 The consultant is in the final stages of plan preparation. Right-of-way acquisition will begin in the third quarter of 2023. The construction of the project will begin after the Mall of Louisiana project is open to traffic in order to help with traffic conditions during construction.
01/2023 The Consultant is continuing final design activities and ROW acquisition is starting. Construction is scheduled to follow the completion of the Mall of Louisiana project.
06/2022 The Consultant is continuing final design activities. ROW acquisition starting in the fall of 2022 .
10/2021 The Consultant is continuing final design activities. A public meeting is being held 10/12/21.
09/2021 The Consultant is continuing final design activities.
08/2021 The Design Consultant is preparing the design study. Additionally, the final design has began.
05/2021 The Design Consultant is preparing the design study. Upon approval of the design study, the final design will begin.
10/2020 The Design Consultant is preparing the design study. A public meeting will be held at the conclusion of the design study phase.




Watch the Virtual Public Meeting Held on October 12, 2021


To contact the MOVEBR program team about this project, please complete the form below and a member of our team will get in touch with you shortly.
