MOVEBR Traffic Signal Improvements

Building a modern traffic signal system is a complex undertaking. When finished, Baton Rouge will have one of the most connected traffic signal systems in America, thanks to the voters of East Baton Rouge Parish. Improvements to traffic signals are designed to improve travel time reliability and provide consistent commute times for personal and business travelers. These improvements include:

  • Replacing outdated equipment
  • Installing pedestrian crossings where needed
  • Emergency vehicle preemption
  • Back-up power supply at critical intersections
  • Flashing yellow left-turn arrows where appropriate
  • Signal rebuilds


The new signal system is helping to keep traffic moving.


MOVEBR Signalization Project Completed

Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption

Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Read more about Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS)


EBR’s Aging Equipment

In many cases, traffic signals in our parish have outlasted their expected lifespan and lack the technology needed to provide efficient traffic management. A quick look at East Baton Rouge’s aging traffic equipment:

EBR Aging Equipment

  • Traffic Signal Controllers    8 years
  • Video Detectors    15+ years
  • Loop Detectors    20+ years
  • Ethernet Switches    6 years
  • Conflict Monitors    12 years

Typical life expectancy: 15 year maximum

Building a Modern Traffic Signal System

MOVEBR is building a connected city with centrally-managed mobility. Real-time control of signals will better manage:

  • Incidents (wrecks, signal service, wide-loads, etc.)
  • Special events (football, concerts, etc.)
  • Evacuations
  • Unusual congestion
  • Interstate construction projects
  • A new signal system will mean faster emergency response times and more consistent commute times.

Improvements Prior to Interstate Construction Impacts

MOVEBR’s signal improvements were prioritized to improve traffic flow on surface streets before any lane closures planned in the I-10 widening project.

100% Complete Before 2024:

  • Fiber Optic Cable for Communication
  • Detection Devices and Cameras
  • Traffic Monitoring Cameras
  • Hardware and Software Upgrades (ATMC)
    • Centralized Location for Traffic Signal Monitoring
    • Accessible Data in Usable Formats
  • Signal Upgrades
  • Signal Retiming for Newly Connected Corridors

Improving Connectivity with Fiber Optic Cable

Prior to the MOVEBR program, East Baton Rouge Parish only had communication capability to less than half of our traffic signals. For over two years, we have installed fiber optic cable to connect the remaining signals at a rate of over 1000 feet a day. When complete, East Baton Rouge Parish will have:

  • 176 new miles of fiber optic cable
  • Improved corridor operations
  • Communications for all signals to a central system

178 New Detection Devices

These devices enable signals to detect vehicles and adjust timings based on actual traffic volumes. They collect traffic data to help the Advanced Traffic Management Center keep traffic flowing consistently.

Monitoring from the Advanced Traffic Management Center

88 strategically placed cameras monitor traffic and incidents and allow traffic engineers to make real-time responses to signal timing to help keep traffic moving.

150 Traffic Signal Controllers Replaced

These new signal controllers will:

  • Adjust green light time to keep traffic moving
  • Improve travel time reliability
  • Reduce congestion by creating a smoother flow.

Emergency Power Supplies

Power outages contribute to traffic congestion and make conditions unsafe for drivers and pedestrians. They also cause delays for emergency vehicles. The MOVEBR program has installed 117 Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) on key corridors. These power supplies provide four hours of battery back-up to keep traffic moving while repairs are made.

440 Emergency Vehicle Preemption Systems Installed

To improve response times for emergency vehicles, the MOVEBR program has installed emergency vehicle preemption systems on East Baton Rouge Parish’s traffic signs. These turn signals green as emergency vehicles approach an intersection and improve safety for emergency responders and other roadway users.

40 Traffic Count Stations

New traffic count stations in key locations have been installed and are being connected to power by utility companies.

290 School Flashers

The MOVEBR program is installing new school flashers to help keep children safe. Once flashers are installed, they must be connected to power by utility companies. This work is expected to be complete by 2024.

Flashing Yellow Left Turn Signals

Flashing yellow left-turn arrow signals are being installed on new capacity projects where left-turn lanes are protected to help reduce crashes during heavy traffic and delays when traffic flow is light. LADOTD is also installing these signals throughout the state, including state projects in East Baton Rouge Parish where appropriate.

Hardware and Software Upgrades at the Advanced Traffic Management Center

East Baton Rouge Parish signals can be monitored from a central location by traffic engineers at the Advanced Traffic Management Center. New equipment in the field allows them access to data in a usable format to make decisions that will help keep traffic moving.

Additional Signal Upgrades

Other upgrades to the traffic signal system include signal rebuilds that are currently in design. MOVEBR is also adding pedestrian crossings where needed and some mid-block crossings to improve safety.

What is BlueTOAD?

These devices detect anonymous Bluetooth signals from mobile devices and vehicles to determine travel times between points. This data helps traffic engineers improve signal timing and will be available via an app to help the public avoid congested areas.

We’re Making Streets Safter for Pedestrians

Among the improved crosswalks for pedestrians, the MOVEBR signal improvements include High Intensity Activated CrossWalKs (HAWKs) which provide safe crossing where traditional intersections are not available or mid-block crossings on busy streets. The HAWKs are only activated when a pedestrian or bicyclist pushes a button to cross the street.

We’re Building for the Future

The new signal equipment is designed to adjust to changing technology and traffic patterns. It will be compatible with autonomous vehicles and adaptive signal timing.