Engineering and Specialty Service Interest Form

In order to do business with the City-Parish, businesses must also be registered with the Vendor Self-Service database to be recognized as a vendor with an appropriate vendor number by the City-Parish. This is the only way to be awarded a contract from the City-Parish. The MOVEBR Program recommends this step be completed prior to completing this form.

The purpose of this form is to identify businesses who are interested in doing business with the City-Parish for the MOVEBR program. Submission of this information does not preclude any businesses, firms, or Specialty Service Providers from participation on project team pursuits for MOVEBR projects.

Please note that all fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Services & Experience

Supporting Documentation

Please upload a PDF that includes your company's letter of interest and other pertinent information regarding your company's area(s) of expertise and services provided (brochures, etc.). Be sure to include licensure status (if applicable), list key staff indicating years of relevant professional experience for each engineering and/or specialty service selected, and provide brief descriptions of the top 2-3 projects for each type of service selected above.

Please name the file 'YourCompanyName_letterofinterest.pdf'.

File size limit: 5 MB

You have selected "Construction Inspection Services" as one of your professional services offered. Please download, fill out and submit this CPCI Form with your information. Use the file upload field below to upload the completed CPCI Form. A detailed description of Construction Inspection services -- including scope of services, minimum qualifications, insurance requirements and compensation requirements -- can be found in this document.

File size limit: 5 MB

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