MOVEBR Design Guidelines

To achieve the MOVEBR vision, the Design Guidelines document was developed by members of the City-Parish Department of Transportation and Drainage and the Program Management Team, establishing guidelines for the design of transportation projects associated with the MOVEBR Program, including Complete Streets, Green Infrastructure and ADA Compliance.

The intent of these guidelines is to communicate the current desires of the City-Parish, while also providing flexibility to accommodate future mobility options.

Design guidelines are provided to ensure consistency in the design approach used by various consultants. Firms and individuals interested in working on MOVEBR projects as consultants are encouraged to review the guidelines.

The MOVEBR Design Guidelines will be revised as necessary based on overall programmatic needs and pertinent engineering guidance, not project-specific issues.

Comments on the document content can be submitted to the following email address: Please include your name, company name, and section/page number related to the comment.