MOVEBR Capacity Projects on the Move with Three Bid Openings in July

MOVEBR projects are categorized into two major groups: Enhancement and Capacity. But, what does this mean to the everyday commuter, business owner and resident of East Baton Rouge Parish? 

Enhancement projects seek to improve or enhance the street usability for multiple people. These undertakings include the construction of amenities such as sidewalks, walking and/or bike paths, pedestrian beacons and refuges and lighting, to name a few. Generally these are developed without the need to purchase significant right of way. Capacity projects may also include similar amenities focused on increasing traffic flow on local roadways. This can be done in several ways, including increasing the number of roadway lanes, adding turn lanes, allowing movement from the through lane, new roadway construction (also referred to as a green field project), intersection improvements and extending an existing road to an intersection. The goal of these modifications is more efficient traffic movement on a roadway resulting in easing congestion, safety improvement and infrastructure enhancement. 

Unlike enhancement projects, capacity projects typically take longer and have greater impact on stakeholders during construction, such as the potential to increase commute times temporarily, the possibility of road closures and detours and other necessary construction related activities. The MOVEBR program is committed to preparing residents, businesses and roadway users for such inconveniences, and keeping disruptions to a minimum by providing clear construction process expectations and frequent and timely status updates.

Here is a video highlighting benefits of MOVEBR Capacity Projects.