New Networking Opportunity for Small Businesses

A new video library will  launch soon to provide a safe networking opportunity for small and minority-, women- and veteran-owned businesses interested in MOVEBR project work or teaming opportunities. In response to feedback from our survey, small business owners indicated interest in reaching decision-makers with information about their companies and related experience.

Brief introductory videos, approximately 3-minutes in length, are being recorded and will  post on the MOVEBR website later this month. The videos will provide access to engineering and construction firms looking to team up with small businesses and will be shared with industry associations and City-Parish officials.

MOVEBR team members are assisting small businesses with recording the videos by asking all participants the same questions in an interview-style session held on the Zoom video conferencing platform.

Firms interested in being part of the MOVEBR Small Business Video Library should sign up using the SBO Video Library Interest Form to receive a list of the interview questions, interview tips and information on how to download and use the Zoom video platform. 

Once a firm registers, a member of the MOVEBR outreach team will schedule a practice video session and record the interview.

Here’s what a small business needs to participate:

  • The owner or a spokesperson who is employed full-time by the company and knowledgeable about the services provided.
  • Access to a computer with a camera, microphone and internet

This opportunity is voluntary and does not in any way impact City-Parish procurement and selection processes or influence whether or not your company will be selected for work.