Q1 2024 Progress Report

The following information is accurate through March 31, 2024.

Projects By Phase
Project Phases # of Projects in This Phase
Planning 15
Engineering Procurement 14
Design 34
Right of Way (ROW) 08
Permitting 00
Utilities 02
Construction Procurement 08
Construction 13
Construction Complete 20
Total Projects 114

Note: 72 projects were included in the original MOVEBR proposition. A number of these projects, such as ADA improvements and signalization, have been separated into specific, standalone projects for design and construction. The total number of projects listed reflects all of these and will continue to increase in the future, but will always align with the original 72 projects approved for the MOVEBR program.


Dollars Spent

(Cumulative Including Administrative Fees)

Funding Source Dollar Amount Spent
MOVEBR $141,133,011
Green Light Program $44,690,762
State/Federal & Other Funds $17,920,217
Total $203,743,990


Local & Small Business Dollars Committed

Cumulative Based on Contracts Executed. Does Not Include Contracts Under Negotiations.

Category Location Contracted Amount (%)
Local Business In EBR Parish $159,747,796 88.52%
Local Business In Louisiana $19,052,143 10.56%
Category Type Contracted Amount (%)
Small Business Minority-Owned Businesses $30,414,846 16.80%
Small Business Woman-Owned Businesses $16,097,399 8.92%
Small Business Veteran-Owned Businesses $3,110,111 1.72%
Small Business Total $49,622,356 27.44%
Small Business Target   20%


Project Status By Key Benefits
Key Benefit Number Planned % of Projects in Planning Phase % of Projects in Design Phase % of Projects in Construction Phase % of Projects Completed
Lane Miles of New Roadway 115.78 25.3% 64.8% 10.0% 0.0%
Lane Miles of Enhanced Roadway 125.57 26.0% 52.1% 21.9% 0.0%
Miles of Sidewalk 115.73 27.3% 54.6% 15.2% 2.9%
Miles of Bike Paths 68.55 30.8% 63.8% 5.5% 0.0%
Traffic Signals Upgraded 137 15.6% 74.0% 10.4% 0.0%
Traffic Signals Replaced 199 19.0% 81.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Miles of Fiber for Signals 176 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0%
New School Flashers 400 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0%

Planned value is updated per project based upon the current planned amount per key benefit. Percentages by phase are calculated based upon the summation of all projects in the MOVEBR and their appropriate Project Phase. Design includes Engineering Procurement, Design, ROW, and Utilities. Construction includes Construction Procurement and Construction. Completed indicates Project Acceptance has been reached.



Public Contacts Number of Contacts
No. of Public Contacts Received* 1776
Required Responses to Public Inquiries 1776

*Questions / inquiries through website, social media, email, calls, etc. Numbers are cumulative since program's inception.



Executed Contracts by Month
Number of Contracts Executed Month
2 Jul 2023
13 Aug 2023
4 Sep 2023
6 Oct 2023
5 Nov 2023
1 Dec 2023
9 Jan 2024
1 Feb 2024
1 Mar 2024
0 Apr 2024
1 May 2024

Contracts executed through the Office of the Mayor-President