Update: Look for MOVEBR Project Advertisements on Our Home Page
One of the newest features of the MOVEBR website is a link to project advertisements on the home page. Businesses interested in working with the program no longer have to visit the website’s pre-construction and construction areas for upcoming project advertisements. A prominent box on the home page now features a bulldozer icon with the text “Projected Advertisements,” and links directly to the upcoming pre-construction and construction opportunities.
This prominently displayed “Projected Advertisements” box and link on the home page is a result of the MOVEBR Small Business Outreach (SBO) focus group, where small businesses asked if easier access to upcoming project advertisements could be provided on the website. The MOVEBR program team is always listening and will continue to make the MOVEBR website an efficient tool to learn about all things happening with the program.
The MOVEBR website provides the citizens and businesses of East Baton Rouge Parish with a tremendous amount of information. From project updates to concept reports, to small business video profiles, to news and information the MOVEBR program, the website is constantly evolving to provide transparency and effective communications.