Featured Project: Perkins Road (Pecue – Siegen)

The Perkins Road (Pecue-Siegen) Project will provide additional capacity for vehicular travel, and pedestrian accommodations, and is being designed to fulfill the city-parish's Complete Streets Policy.

The Perkins Road (Pecue-Siegen) Project is a capacity project that originated under the Green Light Plan and has been adopted into the MOVEBR Program. The roadway improvements include adding two additional 11' travel lanes, an additional left turn lane at the Perkins Road/Pecue Lane intersection, a roadway median, pedestrian facilities on both sides of the roadway, 3 crosswalks with a pedestrian refuge, enhanced lighting, and green infrastructure components. The project design guidelines aim to achieve the Complete Streets policy by accommodating pedestrian, biking, and access to transit.

To increase capacity and facilitate a smooth flow of travel, access management was essential in the design of this project. Access management features include reducing the number of left turns, providing j-turns where left turns are permitted along with bulb outs for U-turns. The drainage system will be reconfigured from open ditches to a sub-surface system. The project is anticipated to be completed in 2025. 

On September 28th a public meeting was held to share an update on the project. You can watch a recording of the meeting here.