Plank Road Corridor Enhancement Segment 2 (Dawson Dr to Harding Blvd) Project Page

Project Description: This project proposes to enhance pedestrian and cyclist mobility. Signalized intersection improvements may also be required at major intersections. Findings from both the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Improvement Project and the Plank Road Master Plan will be taken into consideration for this project. It should be noted that the Plank Rd. Corridor Enhancement, Segment 1 (I-110 – N 22nd) Project limits and scope have been incorporated into the overall scope of the BRT Improvement Project as the overall BRT route includes this section of roadway.

Council District: 2, 10

Project Type: Improve Existing Corridors

Current Phase: Construction Procurement

Design Consultant: Gresham Smith

Project Manager: Scott Hoffeld

Proposition Budget: $3,000,000

Estimated Letting Date: January 2025

Project Updates

Date Status
03/2025 95% Preliminary Plans submitted and under review.
01/2025 Design is complete, the construction bid documents are being prepared. Construction advertisement is anticipated in Q1 2025.
12/2024 Design is complete, the construction bid documents are being prepared. Construction advertisement is anticipated in December 2024.
09/2024 As of 06/19/24 -- Design is complete, the construction bid documents are being prepared. Construction advertisement is anticipated in Q4 2024.
06/2024 As of 06/19/24 -- Design is complete, the construction bid documents are being prepared. Construction advertisement is anticipated in Q3 2024.
04/2024 Design is complete, the construction bid documents are being prepared. Construction advertisement is anticipated in Q2 2024.
03/2024 Design is complete, the construction bid documents are being prepared. Construction advertisement is anticipated in Q2 2024.
01/2024 Design is complete, the construction bid documents are being prepared. Construction advertisement is anticipated in Q1 2024.
11/2023 Design is complete, the construction advertisement for the project is being prepared.
08/2023 Design is complete. Awaiting LADOTD project permitting.
11/2022 The 60% design submittal is being reviewed by the PMT and the City-Parish.
05/2022 The design study is complete and public meeting was held. Negotiations and contracting for the Final Design Phase are underway with the Engineering Design Consultant.
05/2021 The Design Consultant is preparing the design study. A public meeting will be held at the conclusion of the design study phase. 
10/2020 Negotiations and contracting are underway with the Engineering Design Consultant.




To contact the MOVEBR program team about this project, please complete the form below and a member of our team will get in touch with you shortly.
