Featured Project: Terrace Avenue Corridor Improvement (Highland Road to Perkins Road)

Complete Streets Design Will Make Terrace Avenue Safer for All Users

The MOVEBR program recently held an open house meeting at the Carver Branch Library to share designs to improve the Terrace Avenue Corridor from Highland Road to Perkins Road. The open house exhibits are now posted on the MOVEBR website where each project has a page containing updated information.

This $7 million project incorporates Complete Streets design guidelines to enhance pedestrian and bicycle mobility as well as transit and parking accommodations.

The project will also provide traffic calming measures, intersection control improvements, lighting and green infrastructure along the street.

The proposed improvements for Terrace Avenue will be ADA compliant and are designed to improve safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit riders. Existing 15-foot travel lanes will be reduced to 10-foot shared lanes with an 8-foot parking lane and sidewalks will be expanded to 5-feet wide.

To mitigate local flooding and stormwater runoff, the project will include pervious concrete, which is a special type of concrete that allows rainwater to pass through to the underlying soil, reducing runoff. Pervious concrete is recognized as a Best Management Practice for Stormwater by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and is being used in MOVEBR sidewalk projects.

If you are interested in following the Terrace Avenue project, you can sign up for updates here.