Project Spotlight: Sherwood Forest Extension

The MOVEBR Program continues to build new roadways as a part of its capacity projects to provide alternative routes and additional connectivity for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. The Sherwood Forest Extension Project consists of constructing a new roadway from Greenwell Springs Road to Joor Road at the Mickens Road Intersection.
The new roadway will be built through a greenfield connecting two major roadways in the area to allow for better access and traffic movement. Sherwood Forest Extension will provide for two 11-foot travel lanes with shoulders. A bridge will be built over Hurricane Creek.
The project team held a Public Meeting in March 2023 to solicit feedback from those in the community and to answer questions about the project. The documentation that was prepared for the meeting can be reviewed via the project page.
Following the Public Meeting, the design consultant team will finalize the design study and begin developing final plans for the project. It is expected that construction of the project will begin in 2024, before which a second public meeting will be held.