Ben Hur Realignment/Nicholson Intersection Project Page

Update: Ben Hur Road is now open.

Project Description: The project provides for a realignment of the Ben Hur tie-in at Nicholson Drive to eliminate the skewed intersection. Construction will include the closure of the current at-grade crossing at the Fire and Emergency Training Institute and at the existing Ben Hur.

Council District: 3

Project Type: New Capacity

Current Phase: Construction Complete

Design Consultant: Forte & Tablada

Project Manager: Zach Schmidt

Proposition Budget: $2,500,000

Estimated Letting Date: November 2021

Project Updates

Date Status
12/2023 The project is complete. Mayor Sharon Weston Broome held a Ribbon Cutting on November 29, 2023.
11/2023 Project is complete. New roadway is open to traffic. The railroad signals and gates are installed and operational.
09/2023 Project is currently under construction. Final paving is expected to be complete within quarter 3 of 2023. The road will be open to traffic after the railroad signals and gates are installed and operational.
07/2023 Project is currently under construction. Final paving is expected to be complete within quarter 3 of 2023.
01/2023 Project is currently under construction and is expected to be complete by quarter one of 2023.
05/2022 Design, right of way acquisition and permitting are complete. Construction is underway.
05/2021 Design, right of way acquisition and permitting are complete. The railroad crossing design is underway so that construction and removal can occur. The road construction will begin after the installation of the railroad crossing.
11/2020 The railroad crossing design is underway so that construction and removal can occur. Upon receipt of the permits, the utilities will begin relocations followed by the road construction. 
10/2020 Design is complete. Right of way acquisition is complete. Wetland Permitting is underway. Upon receipt of the permit, the utilities will begin relocations.




Construction Components

Contractor Contract Description Contract Value Estimated Completion Date
Omega Foundation Services, Inc. Construction Services $1,295,139.60  


To contact the MOVEBR program team about this project, please complete the form below and a member of our team will get in touch with you shortly.
