Hennessy-Perkins Connector Project Page

Project Description: The project scope has been redefined to upgrade capacity along Perkins between Kenilworth Parkway and One Perkins Place and to add pedestrian improvements in the corridor.

Council District: 12

Project Type: New Capacity

Current Phase: Design

Design Consultant: Shread-Kuyrkendall & Associates

Project Manager: Brian Smith

Proposition Budget: $30,000,000

Estimated Letting Date: Q1 2026

Project Updates

Date Status
03/2025 The final design of the improvements is underway and the consultant is finalizing 90% plans and Right-of-Way drawings for Perkins Road from Kenilworth to One Perkins Place with capacity improvements on One Perkins Place. The construction plans are expected to be completed in Q3 of 2025.
12/2024 The design consultant team is preparing the final design documents for the proposed improvements along Perkins Road from Kenilworth to One Perkins Place with capacity improvements on One Perkins Place. The plan-in-hand meeting was held in November and the team is moving forward with 90% plans.
01/2024 The design consultant team is preparing the final design documents for the proposed improvements along Perkins Road from Kenilworth to One Perkins Place with capacity improvements on One Perkins Place.
09/2023 The consultant team is starting to work on the final design of the project.
07/2023 The design team is scheduled to begin work on improvements along Perkins Road from Kenilworth through One Dijon Place in the third quarter of 2023.
01/2023 The Design Consultant has completed the Design Study Phase. The development of the Final Design plans is underway.
06/2022 The Design Consultant has completed the Design Study Phase and has began Final Design.
07/2021 The Design Consultant is currently in the design study phase of this project.
05/2021 The Design Consultant is currently in the design study phase of this project. Wetland delineation work is also continuing.
02/2021 Contracting is underway with the Engineering Design Consultant to begin development of a design study and final plans. The Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (Phase 1 ESA) has been completed. The Wetland Services Consultant is currently under contract and conducting field work.
10/2020 Contracting is underway with the Engineering Design Consultant to begin development of final plans.




Watch drone footage of Hennessy-Perkins Connector


To contact the MOVEBR program team about this project, please complete the form below and a member of our team will get in touch with you shortly.
