Mall of La Blvd. (Picardy-Perkins Connector) Project Page

Project Description: This project is a new 4-lane road from Perkins Rd. to the Mall of LA. The signal at Grand Avenue will be relocated to the new intersection. Twin bridges over Dawson Creek and a bridge connecting to the Wimbledon neighborhood are included. In order to facilitate the new roadway, a grade-separated railroad crossing and a drainage pump station to support the underpass are included. The project includes a 10’ shared use path that connects to the BREC Trail at Dawson’s Creek. The project will be constructed in phases.

Council District: 11

Project Type: New Capacity

Current Phase: Construction

Design Consultant: Evans-Graves

Project Manager: Kate Prejean

Proposition Budget: $40,000,000

Estimated Letting Date: August 2020

Construction Components

Contract Description/Phase Contractor Contract Value Construction Complete?
Clearing and Grubbing Omega Foundation Services, Inc. $68,392.86 Yes
Bridges Construction Brown Industrial Construction, LLC $4,594,504.00 Yes
Backcourt Drive Construction Brown Industrial Construction, LLC $2,224,396.03 Yes

Project Updates

Date Status
03/2025 Construction is complete at the Back Court Drive Bridge and the Dawson Creek Twin Bridges. The railroad underpass and pump station phase of the project will be readvertised in Q2 of 2025. The final two phases will be completed such that all three remaining phases are completed near the same time.
01/2025 Construction is complete at the Back Court Drive Bridge and the Dawson Creek Twin Bridges. The railroad underpass and pump station phase of the project will be readvertised in February 2025. The final two phases will be completed such that all three remaining phases are completed near the same time.
12/2024 Construction is complete at the Back Court Drive Bridge and the Dawson Creek Twin Bridges. The railroad underpass and pump station phase of the project was advertised in November 2024. The final two phases will be completed such that all three remaining phases are completed near the same time.
09/2024 Construction is complete at the Back Court Drive Bridge and the Dawson Creek Twin Bridges. The Final Plans for the remaining three construction packages are substantially complete. The next phase for construction will be the railroad underpass and associated pump station. The railroad underpass project is expected to advertise in Q4 of 2024.
05/2024 Construction is complete at the Back Court Drive Bridge and the Dawson Creek Twin Bridges. The Final Plans for the remaining three construction packages are substantially complete. The next phase for construction will be the railroad underpass and associated pump station. The railroad underpass project is expected to advertise in Q3 of 2024.
01/2024 Construction is complete at the Back Court Drive Bridge and the Dawson Creek Twin Bridges. The Final Plans for the remaining three construction packages are substantially complete. The next phase for construction will be the railroad underpass and associated pump station. The railroad underpass project is expected to advertise in Q2 of 2024.
12/2023 Construction is complete at the Back Court Drive Bridge and the Dawson Creek Twin Bridges. The Final Plans for the remaining three construction packages are substantially complete. The next phase for construction will be the railroad underpass and associated pump station. The construction project is expected to advertise in Q1 of 2024.
10/2023 Construction is complete at the Back Court Drive Bridge and the Dawson Creek Twin Bridges. The Final Plans for the remaining three construction packages are substantially complete. The next phase for construction will the the railroad underpass and associated pump station.
07/2023 Construction is complete at the Back Court Drive Bridge and the Dawson Creek Twin Bridges. The Final Plans for the remaining three construction packages are substantially complete. The next phase to go to construction will be the KCS Railroad bridge and associated pump station. Advertisement of the project is expected in quarter 4 of 2023.
12/2022 Construction is ongoing at the Back Court Drive Bridge. Construction is nearly complete at the Dawson Creek Bridges. Utility relocations along the corridor have begun. The Final Plans for the remaining three construction packages are substantially complete.
03/2022 Construction on Back Court Drive Bridge and Dawson Creek Bridges continue. The clearing and grubbing has been completed. Design is nearing completion on the remaining three construction packages.
10/2021 Right of way acquisition continues. Clearing & grubbing is completed. Construction on the new mainline bridges over Dawson Creek is continuing. Back Court Drive bridge construction has been awarded and in the contracting phase. Design work is continuing for the remaining three packages.
09/2021 Right of way acquisition continues. Clearing & grubbing is completed. Construction on the new mainline bridges over Dawson Creek is continuing. Back Court Drive bridge has been advertised. Design work is continuing for the remaining three packages.
07/2021 Right of way acquisition continues. Clearing & grubbing is completed. Construction on the new mainline bridges over Dawson Creek is continuing. Design work is completed for Back Court Drive and that package is anticipated to be advertised August 2021. Design work is continuing for the remaining three packages.
04/2021 Right of way acquisition continues. Clearing & grubbing is completed. Construction on the new mainline bridges over Dawson Creek is beginning. Design work is continuing on the remaining 4 construction packages.
02/2021 Right of way acquisition continues. Clearing & grubbing is wrapping up. Construction on the new mainline bridges over Dawson Creek is getting underway.
09/2020 Bids for the clearing and grubbing package have been opened and the award/contracting process is underway. Anticipated Notice to Proceed is January 2021. The Dawson Creek Bridges construction package has been advertised. Letting is scheduled for November 3. The remaining four construction packages are in final design. Right of way acquisition is underway and offers are being presented to property owners.




Watch the Virtual Public Meeting Held on October 29, 2020



To contact the MOVEBR program team about this project, please complete the form below and a member of our team will get in touch with you shortly.
