Small Businesses: Sign up for the 1st Thursday Outlook for April here.

Working hard to move
East Baton Rouge forward.

MOVEBR is the largest and most significant transportation infrastructure investment in East Baton Rouge Parish history.

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Q4 2024 Update

MOVEBR Projects Hit Milestones in 2024

2024 has been a year of significant progress and achievement for the MOVEBR Program, with notable project advancement in design, right-of-way acquisition, construction, and small business outreach. Below are some of the major achievements and milestones accomplished by the Program:

1. Design Phase Success. Thirty-three projects successfully moved from the planning stage into the design phase. These include high-priority initiatives like the Highland Rd/Pecue Ln Intersection Improvements.

2. Right-of-way Acquisition. Nine projects moved into the right-of-way acquisition phase and six projects completed right-of-way acquisition.

3. Construction Milestones. Twenty projects moved into construction this year -- $99.7 million in new capacity projects and $52.76 million in community enhancement projects. This includes the groundbreaking of the Baton Rouge Bus Rapid Transit project along Plank Road, a major roadway improvement and transit initiative. Thirteen additional projects moved into the construction bid phase.

4. Completed Construction Projects. The Program completed ten major projects, including South Choctaw, two bridges in the Picardy-Perkins Connector, sidewalk installations, ADA improvements and traffic count stations, with a total cost of $22.5 million.

The Program continues to work with state and federal partners to maximize funding, coordinate construction and get Baton Rouge moving.

MOVEBR Project Pages

Project specific pages have been added to the MOVEBR Project List. The new project specific pages provide project-level updates and an opportunity for the public to submit comments regarding each project. The project specific pages were created to provide the public as much information as possible on each project.

MOVEBR Design Guidelines

To achieve the MOVEBR vision, the Design Guidelines document was developed by members of the City-Parish Department of Transportation and Drainage and the Program Management Team, establishing guidelines for the design of transportation projects associated with the MOVEBR Program, including Complete Streets, Green Infrastructure and ADA Compliance.

Project Prioritization

The prioritization of more than 50 MOVEBR projects has been released, along with the locations where traffic signal synchronization and sidewalk construction projects are currently underway.

More about Prioritization
View Interactive Map

Doing Business with MOVEBR.

As the MOVEBR program implements transportation and infrastructure improvements across East Baton Rouge Parish, a wide variety of opportunities will occur for businesses to participate in the process. Learn more about doing business with MOVEBR: Pre-Construction, Construction, Small Business Outreach and Professional Services.


To promote a vibrant economy and strong small businesses in East Baton Rouge Parish, the Small Business Outreach (SBO) Initiative has been established as a critical component of MOVEBR. It seeks to empower small-, minority-, women-, and veteran-owned companies. Learn more about our SBO Program and sign up to receive updates from our Small Business Outreach Team here. Meet some of these small businesses here.

Have questions?

The MOVEBR Transportation and Infrastructure Improvements Program is the most significant transportation infrastructure investment in East Baton Rouge Parish history. The 1/2 cent sales tax proposition was approved by the voters of East Baton Rouge Parish on December 8, 2018. The tax became effective on April 1, 2019 and will continue for 30 years until March 31, 2049. Proceeds of the tax can only be spent on the approved list of projects.

The funding for MOVEBR comes from the collection of ½ cent sales tax (excluding food and drugs) which is to be collected over a period of 30 years.

The MOVEBR Project List outlines all projects approved by voters and their locations, along with links to project specific pages that provide project-level updates.

City-Parish officials and MOVEBR program managers have completed the process of prioritizing the 70 projects involved in the $1 billion road improvement program. The prioritized project list was released on October 30, 2019. View a recap of the October 30, 2019 MOVEBR Prioritization Press Conference here.

Yes, you can receive notifications for specific projects by joining our mailing list on the Contact Us page and signing up for notifications. As project updates are made available, you will receive notifications via email. You can also follow @movebrla at Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Yes. The MOVEBR program has a Small Business Outreach (SBO) effort designed specifically to work with small businesses who wish to engage in contracting with the program. The SBO team can be reached through the Small Business Contact Form.

On the MOVEBR website you can visit our mailing list page where you can sign up for newsletters and/or other notifications listed, or you can visit the Contact Us page to submit a question or comment and someone will get back in touch with you a timely manner.

Please contact Mark Armstrong, the Mayor’s Chief Communications Officer,

The MOVEBR website will be updated with status information on each project, from planning, to design, to construction and completion, and will serve as a main reference point. For notifications of project updates, stakeholders can sign up on the website’s Contact Us page.

The New Capacity and Corridor Enhancement projects are limited to those projects identified in the tax referendum. However, future parish-wide community enhancement projects will be added to the list based on a call for projects by the City-Parish.

Comments and concerns can be provided on the Contact Us page of the website.

A list of companies that have been awarded contracts can be found on the Direct Appointments, Pre-Construction, and Construction Pages for their respective services.

The current status of a project can be found on its specific project page. A list of all project pages can be found on the Project List.

Roundabouts represent a potential solution for intersections with many conflict points. Though not appropriate for all situations, roundabouts reduce vehicle movements across traffic. Read more about Roundabouts here.

Access management is a set of techniques to control access to highways, major arterials, and other roadways. Some access management techniques include J-Turns, Pavement Widening at U-Turns, Bulb-Outs, Medians and Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacons (RRFBs). Read more about Access Management here.